Here’s How CoolSculpting Can Benefit You In The Long Run

The Long-Lasting Benefits of CoolSculpting for Weight Loss in Kendall

CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall represents an extremely effective body contouring treatment for individuals that want to get rid of excess fat in troublesome areas. The CoolSculpting procedure freezes and eliminates cells non-surgically.

Nevertheless, when you think about the idea behind CoolSculpting, it all seems a little kooky. “Freezing fat to remove the cells from my body permanently? I don’t think so”. However, as a result of numerous different advancements is cosmetic and medical dermatology, individuals can safely and effectively remove fat cells utilizing CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall.

The process works by targeting stubborn fat areas before a specialist applies a controlled cool. Although the cells die upon contact before flushing out of the body naturally throughout three to six months, you can still see results after a single treatment.

Our team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic wants to share some of the ways that CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall can benefit you long-term on your quest for a more sculpted and toned physique.

Noninvasiveness – Not So Fast Going Under the Knife

In the past, people relied on procedures like gastric bypass or liposuction to lose weight. Unfortunately, this almost meant no alternative to surgery. The good news is that by employing CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall, you can obtain a more sculpted look that a specialist can apply in no more time than a typical office lunch break.

Some people even elect to read or catch up on emails during the CoolSculpting procedure. Additionally, the procedure’s noninvasive nature require virtually no downtime or recovery. This means returning to your typical day-to-day activities right after a treatment.

Natural Appearance – Motivational Results

Our team at the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic recommend CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall as a fat reduction supplement. It is not an ideal treatment for obese individuals or a replacement for traditional diet and exercise. Nonetheless, you can use CoolSculpting to attain gradual and natural-looking results.

Many CoolSculpting patients even choose to continue on their weight loss journey by committing to healthier lifestyle habits as a result of observing their final results. Essentially, one health-conscious choice results in deciding to commit to others!

Weight Loss – The Ultimate Confidence Booster

Who doesn’t want to look their best? CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall can help you look better in your clothes. As you feel better about your outer appearance, you will also likely feel happier and reflect in the way that you carry yourself during your daily life. This positions you to display this positive attitude at work. Good things propagate good things, and CoolSculpting is a great thing that could come your way!

Short Procedure – Enduring Results

It is essential to think about CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall in comparison to traditional diet and weight loss. When you eat right and exercise, this reduces the size of your fat cells as they remain in the body. Unfortunately, this also means that they may grow with each slice of cake or missed workout.

However, CoolSculpting removes fat cells from the body entirely. If you gain weight after a CoolSculpting treatment, this means two things. The first, you will likely see a more even distribution of body fat throughout the body, and the second, fat cells may move into these areas from untreated sections of the body.

CoolSculpting for Weight Loss in Kendall from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology

CoolSculpting for weight loss in Kendall represents the ideal treatment to traditional liposuction or gastric bypass. If you remain interested in a CoolSculpting procedure, contact our professional and dedicated team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic today!

Spring Clean Your Body With a CoolSculpting Treatment

Time to Check Up On Your Resolution – Start Your Spring Cleaning with CoolSculpting Treatment in Miami

Looking for a great way to slim down or get rid of some extra midsection fat? The spring is the best time to not only clean old fixtures from your pantry, but you might also want to consider a CoolSculpting treatment in Miami that can help you sculpt the body you always wanted.

CoolSculpting utilizes the absolute latest in technology to help individuals sculpt and tone their physique. The treatment can accomplish this by freezing the fat cells. Nevertheless, it is important to note that if you don’t commit to a healthy, nutritional diet and exercise regimen, the results will not remain permanent.

FDA-Approved Fat Freezing – CoolSculpting Treatment in Miami

Hundreds of thousands of patients undergo liposuction surgery each year. However, many remain unaware that CoolSculpting is a noninvasive alternative to this invasive surgical process. Cleared by the FDA, CoolSculpting treatment in Miami is an innovative method to remove love handles and other stubborn areas of fat.

Two doctors came up with the idea to utilize a burst of cold to get rid of unwanted, stubborn fat. They observed individuals that commonly consumed popsicles as children commonly growing into dimple-faced adults. This lead to a realization that the cold annihilated the cells of fat within their cheeks permanently.

Nevertheless, a scientific reason for this exists. This is simply the way the cryolipolysis works. CoolSculpting treatment in Miami feels icy due to the equipment that specialists use to freeze off the fat cells in a patient’s body. Once the CoolSculpting equipment kills and freezes the fat, they drain away from the body in a natural process.

However, it is important to remember that CoolSculpting treatment in Miami does not represent a perfect substitute for liposuction. This is especially true when individuals are obese or possess a great deal of fat. The procedure ideally works for patients that want to tone and sculpt their body. It can accomplish this by removing fat in troublesome, stubborn areas.

What Better Time to Get Rid of a Double Chin, or Those Annoying Love Handles

After the conclusion of a CoolSculpting treatment in Miami, you may experience some temporary redness. Some patients also bruise mildly during the procedure. Nonetheless, CoolSculpting is a great way to spring clean your body. Rid yourself of unwanted belly fat, love handles, bra fat, etc.

Cosmetic specialists administer over 1 million procedures every year. Although many of these procedures reflect liposuction or tummy tuck surgeries, when you need to remove fat that is not excessive, you can bypass the invasiveness of these processes and go for CoolSculpting treatment in Miami.

CoolSculpting Treatment in Miami from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology

Do you want to turn your keg or 2-pack abdomen into a 4-pack or 6-pack? Finding out more about CoolSculpting treatment in Miami can set you off on the course to success. This procedure is so non-invasive that many patients choose to catch up on emails or read a book during the CoolSculpting process.

Nevertheless, it remains important to remember that despite the body removing the fat cells permanently, fat cells in surrounding areas can still move in before expanding. For this reason, diet and exercise maintenance after CoolSculpting treatment in Miami is crucial for the best possible outcome.

To learn more about CoolSculpting and how it can help you spring clean your body fat this season, contact the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic from the Miami Center for Dermatology today!

Can You Freeze The Fat on Your Face? Try CoolSculpting

What to Expect from CoolSculpting for Your Face

Our team at the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic often goes on and on about how great CoolSculpting is at removing fat. However, many patients enter our office wondering “Can you CoolSculpt on the face?” The answer is yes, however, this only applies to fat in the chin area.

CoolSculpting for the chin is a noninvasive fat reduction treatment that involves no anesthesia, needles, or surgery. Just like CoolSculpting for anywhere else on the body, the modality is based on the cooling subcutaneous fat that the body inevitably destroys and removes through the cryolipolysis process.

CoolSculpting for the Chin – The Procedure

CoolSculpting for the chin begins with a trained specialist performing the procedure with a specialized handheld applicator. Some patients say this device looks very similar to a vacuum cleaner attachment.

During the treatment, the specialist will apply a gel pad and applicator to your targeted fatty area on the chin. This applicator delivers a controlled cooling sensation to the fat as the specialist moves it over the skin. They will additionally administer some suction and cooling to the targeted chin fat.

As this part of the procedure goes on, you will likely experience gentle pulling or pinching. Nevertheless, CoolSculpting results in minimal pain or discomfort throughout the body, and CoolSculpting for the chin is no exception.

As CoolSculpting concludes, the specialist will also massage the treated areas immediately afterward. This breaks up any frozen deep tissue. Massaging additionally helps your body start absorbing the destroyed fat cells for waste processing.

Some patients express that this part isn’t exactly the most comfortable part of CoolSculpting for the chin. After all, it is important to remember that despite CoolSculpting involving no incisions, the cold sensation may cause some minimal redness and irritation.

All in all, the process only takes about 35 minutes, and you can return to your typical daily activities right afterward. Many people even take their time during CoolSculpting for the chin to respond to emails, listen to music, or read.

What to Expect After CoolSculpting for the Chin

Unfortunately, CoolSculpting doesn’t display immediate results. You may begin noticing improvements in treated areas within about three weeks of the procedure. Nonetheless, for ideal, optimal results, you can see these after about two to three months. The good thing is that the cryolipolysis process continues for up to six months after the initial CoolSculpting treatment.

Obese individuals do not represent good candidates for CoolSculpting, and the CoolSculpting process should never replace a healthy diet or lifestyle. Fat cells from other areas can move into areas treated by CoolSculpting. For this reason, maintaining a healthy nutritional regimen and exercising regularly remains crucial for the best possible results.

CoolSculpting for the Chin from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology

An in-person consultation with a CoolSculpting provider is the best way to determine if your needs make you an ideal candidate for CoolSculpting for the chin. During this meeting, you can discuss any area you’d like addressed while getting your questions or concerns answered.

Is the fat under your chin bothering you? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Our team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic works to help individuals remove fat permanently from a multitude of bodily areas. To learn more about how we can help you, or for more information on CoolSculpting for the chin, contact us today!

Is CoolSculpting Right For You?

Freezing the Fat Away in South Florida

Most people think that losing weight involves eating healthy as well as exercising regularly. Nonetheless, many of these same individuals come to realize that the situation is not always this easy. Unfortunately, some fat regularly doesn’t respond well to traditional methods like diet and exercise.

An essential aspect of CoolSculpting results is cultivating reasonable expectations. This is true of any aesthetic procedure. For this reason, the team at the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic feels it remains essential to understand the ideal candidates for freezing fat in Kendall.

The Best Candidates for Freezing Fat in Kendall

To determine if you represent a good candidate for a CoolSculpting procedure, our team has some good and bad news. The good news is that freezing fat in Kendall works great if you don’t possess any serious health issues, and aren’t pregnant.

Nevertheless, with further evaluation, you may determine more information about the fat on your body. This shouldn’t serve as a detriment, and for those that already possess awareness about their chunky areas, then they have nothing to lose!

Anyone with a body mass index over 34 or more doesn’t reflect a good CoolSculpting candidate. However, many individuals can experience the benefits of freezing fat in Kendall will a CoolSculpting treatment.

Beating the Baby Bulge

A good number of women see their skin make a recovery after pregnancy. Regrettably, they may still notice some extra baby fat that won’t go away. They probably work out regularly and eat right, but these techniques still won’t banish post-pregnancy fat.

Freezing fat in Kendall represents an ideal method to help post-pregnancy mothers who possess a small amount of unwanted fat in their stomachs. The treatment focuses on specific locations one at a time. This enables moms to target just their abdomen with efficacy.

Spot Treatment CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting also preeminently serves individuals that want to spot target fatty areas of their bodies. By employing specialized CoolSculpting applicators, specialists can target very small areas of stubborn fat that even liposuction wields difficulty reaching.

This includes troublesome areas like the armpits, bra fat, double chin, the inner and outer thighs, and even love handles. Another added benefit of employing CoolSculpting instead of other, more invasive options? Most patients sit or lie comfortably throughout and experience virtually no downtime.

Some of our clients from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic use this time to catch up on emails or group messages before returning to work after their treatment.

Freezing Fat in Kendall with the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic from the Miami Center for Dermatology

Although the concepts behind freezing fat in Kendall may sound intriguing, you may still wonder if it is the right option for you. CoolSculpting as a cosmetic treatment destroys fat cells for good. By employing controlled cooling, the procedure remains an optimal treatment that noninvasively reduces stubborn fat deposits.

You can reshape your body contours by freezing fat in Miami. The cold causes the death of fatty tissue without injuring the skin or muscles. Utilize CoolSculpting for a safe, effective alternative to surgical fat loss.

If you are curious about a fat freezing procedure or need more information on CoolSculpting, please contact the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic from the Miami Center of Dermatology today. Schedule an appointment with our team and experience the best looking you!

5 Things You Didn’t Know About CoolSculpting

Super Cool CoolSculpting Facts

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary treatment that is continuing to increase in popularity. Previously, many people thought about sweating away the pounds in the sauna or at the gym. However, if you need a unique and effective alternative, consider the CoolSculpting treatment.

Even though you may know all about CoolSculpting and its cryolipolysis stimulation, your friends from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology want to share some ice cold CoolSculpting facts you might not know.

CoolSculpting Freezes Your Fat While Protecting Your Skin

For the first of our CoolSculpting facts, you may express surprise to hear that the fat freezing treatment can help you shed fat without hurting your skin. A specialist applies a cool gel pad before applying the treatment with a CoolSculpting applicator.

As a non-invasive treatment, CoolSculpting prevents any skin penetration. You may experience a cool sensation to touch, as well as slight redness. However, you can return to work almost immediately, and your skin will return to normal within a few hours of the treatment.

Your Results Will Be Obvious, Albeit Gradual

You may not see results from your CoolSculpting treatment immediately. You won’t see them. Nevertheless, after about 3 to 4 months, you can see optimal toning and sculpting on your body. As time goes on after treatment, your body will process the dead, frozen cells through the natural waste disposal mechanisms. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) this creates a slow and gradual transformation.

Return to Work IMMEDIATELY After a CoolSculpting Procedure

One of our favorite (and probably our patients’ as well) CoolSculpting facts is the ability to undergo treatment and return to your normal day-to-day. Although you should avoid any vigorous exercise for a few days, you can go right back to work after CoolSculpting. Many patients respond to emails or read during CoolSculpting treatment.

Men Undergo CoolSculpting GUILT-FREE

Men often look at cosmetic procedures as a pampering, “girl’s only” approach. Nonetheless, numerous male patients undergo CoolSculpting and enjoy the convenient and stress-free weight loss. You can appreciate the gradual nature of CoolSculpting while leaving everyone else wondering how you accomplished such a lean, fit look!

CoolSculpting is not for Couch Potatoes

You may appreciate your new sculpted physique. Nonetheless, this is no excuse to abstain from eating right and working out. The final results of the unique fat freezing procedure remain entirely up to you. If you choose to maintain proper nutrition, as well as a brisk-to-moderate exercise regimen, your results will last.

It is true that when CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, the body removes them for good. However, fat cells may still grow, or move in from other areas of the body. You must maintain the treatment after you receive the procedure to ensure the best possible, long-lasting results.

CoolSculpting Facts from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology

Removing stubborn areas of fat is a frustrating endeavor. While invasive surgical treatments can fix this, not everyone can, or wants to take the time to recover. This is precisely why CoolSculpting continues increasing in popularity.

To learn more about this fantastic, noninvasive treatment, or for more information on our super cool CoolSculpting facts, contact Miami Fat Freeze today!

How To Maintain Your New Selfie Perfect Body After CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting Maintenance After Your Treatment

CoolSculpting is a procedure that can help you reduce body fat in specifically targeted areas. This involves utilizing a specialized device that can help you freeze fat cells before the body removes them naturally. Once CoolSculpting freezes cells, the body eliminates them through the natural waste process.

Many people experience issues losing weight in stubborn areas of their body despite healthy eating and exercising. This is precisely where the CoolSculpting procedure can shine as a noninvasive, nonsurgical alternative.

Although the process helps produce preeminent results that wield long-lasting potential, CoolSculpting is not intended for long-term, permanent weight loss. You must maintain CoolSculpting maintenance after the procedure, including healthy lifestyle choices.

Get a Massage

Our team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic recommends going in for a massage as a part of CoolSculpting maintenance. Massages improve CoolSculpting procedures by up to 68 percent due to accelerating fat loss, as well as stimulating lymphatic drainage.

Nutritional Modification

Unfortunately, CoolSculpting does not grant a free pass to wat whatever you want. Although the treatment removes fat cells for good, it remains possible for fat cells in other areas to travel to previously treated parts of the body.

One of the best ways for optimal CoolSculpting maintenance is committing to a healthy, nutritious diet. Keep your food intake rich with fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains. This will help you ensure that you eat the right nutrients that you need.

Additionally, monitor any intake of sugary, fried, or processed foods. These contribute to substantial weight gain and may interfere with the CoolSculpting procedure.


Exercise can offer you a plethora of benefits. Physical activity burns fat, helping you further your CoolSculpting maintenance regimen, and therefore, your final results. It is essential to perform a variety of cardiovascular and resistance exercises that can help you maintain your good looking body after the procedure.

Nevertheless, it is essential to discuss any exercise programs with a physician before beginning, especially if some time has passed since your last strenuous routine. You should begin slowly before gradually increasing intensity, as well as duration.

Exercise will help you maintain your weight and fat levels after a CoolSculpting procedure. Choose a regimen that focuses on strength training, cardio, and flexibility. You can then alternate between practices from day to day for the best possible results.

CoolSculpting Maintenance Tips from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic

The processes behind losing weight remain different from those involved in destroying fat. When you lose weight, these merely shrinks fat cells, making you appear smaller. As you add more pounds, this isn’t an increase in the number of fat cells. Instead, as your cells grow larger, so too does your body.

If you end up gaining weight after a CoolSculpting procedure, the fat that remains in treated areas may grow, or move in from other parts of the body. Since less fat remains in treated areas, you may begin to notice that you gain fat in these untreated regions.

Nevertheless, it remains essential to commit to a CoolSculpting maintenance regimen to ensure that this weight gain doesn’t take place while maximizing your final results. For more information on CoolSculpting maintenance, as well as a CoolSculpting procedure, contact the dedicated team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic today!

CoolSculpting Is a Better Option Than Gastric Bypass, Trust Us!

Gastric Bypass or CoolSculpting?

If you’ve been trying to lose weight, or you’re already reaching the end of your weight loss quest, then you have likely heard about gastric bypass, as well as CoolSculpting. These procedures both aim for the same goal, albeit with very different procedures.

Before you decide what you want to do, our team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic wants to provide some information on both gastric bypass, as well as our fat freezing procedure in South Miami. We hope that the following outlines the benefits of CoolSculpting while helping you make the right choice for your needs.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

We’re sure you’ve heard of liposuction, but what about gastric bypass? This process involves a surgical procedure to remove part of the stomach. This is a suitable method for individuals that live a healthy lifestyle, but still, wield some difficulty losing weight. Some people additionally seek this procedure as a faster alternative to traditional weight loss.

During this one-hour surgery, a specialist removes about ¾ of the patient’s stomach, tying up the remainder. The final result is about 1/10th of the original stomach size once the procedure concludes. Additionally, patients must rest for 2-3 days to recuperate, and modify their diet.

For the first few weeks, gastric patients must survive on fluids alone before gradually reintroducing solid foods and changing eating habits. Once you undergo gastric bypass surgery, you cannot eat and drink the same way.


Dissimilar from gastric bypass surgery, our fat freezing procedure in South Miami is a non-invasive way to sculpt areas of stubborn fat. Nonetheless, once you lose the weight utilizing CoolSculpting, some areas may remain where the fat does not come off. However, you can employ multiple sessions for optimal results.

This fat freezing procedure in South Miami uses cold and the body’s natural metabolism to remove areas of stubborn fat. A specialist marks targeted areas where you want fat removed. They will then introduce cold to the area to freeze and crystallize the fat.

Reacting naturally, the body then categorizes these frozen, dead cells as useless before removing them through the normal waste process. As a result, the fat in the area reduces. This FDA-approved method is an ideal option if you don’t want surgery, but still want a great-looking physique.

Gastric Bypass or the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic’s Fat Freezing Procedure in South Miami?

CoolSculpting and gastric bypass remain different procedures in various ways. People that elect for gastric bypass normally reflect obese individuals. For this reason, they rely on this specific modality to lose a considerable amount of weight. Nonetheless, gastric surgery wields significant attributes for substantial weight loss.

If you choose our fat freezing procedure in South Miami, you should represent an individual already at their ideal body weight with a fitness regimen in place. The ideal CoolSculpting candidate wants to get rid of fat that healthy eat and exercise cannot burn. They may also seek to target specific fatty areas with the treatment.

Essentially gastric surgery can make you slim while CoolSculpting helps you tighten everything up. Both procedures serve their purpose. However, for those that want to sculpt and tone a little bit of weight, our fat freezing procedure in South Miami is the clear winner.

For more information on CoolSculpting from our team, contact the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology today!

5 Areas CoolSculpting Works Better than Liposuction

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction – What is the Best Option for You?

When considering CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction, it remains essential to consider that they remain very different procedures. Both options aim to reduce unwanted fatty deposits, however, how can you tell which procedure is the best for your needs? Unfortunately, the answer depends on an individual basis.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia or sedation. It imparts very minimal scarring; however, the recovery period does last for a few weeks, and patients will likely experience bruising and swelling.

Alternatively, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure requiring no surgery or anesthesia. Nevertheless, the treatment remains ideal only for removing a small amount of fat in troublesome areas. Similar to liposuction, patients may take a few weeks before they can see the finalized, preeminent results.

If you are considering the benefits of CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction, the team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic want to help share some of the benefits of the lesser-known CoolSculpting procedure. Read on to find out more about our five areas where CoolSculpting works better than liposuction.

Axillary Fat

This area imparts some significant challenges during traditional weight loss and exercise. In the past patients needed specialized treatment to remove fat from “armpit puffs” due to the shape of the area.

The good news is that with the diverse applicator selection offered by CoolSculpting, a specialist can find an applicator that fits perfectly into this area. Most patients only require a moderate amount of fat removal in this area. For this reason, the fat freezing treatment is the winner between CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction for axillary fat.

Upper Portions of the Inner Thighs

Similar to the axillary fat area of the armpits, patients experience difficulty losing weight from their inner thighs near the pelvis. The shape here is also ideal for the CoolSculpting applicator.

Nevertheless, patients may express concerns about the potential for loose skin in this area after an aggressive procedure like liposuction surgery. The noninvasive, less aggressive attributes of CoolSculpting make the treatment ideal for upper, inner thigh fat.

Double Chin

Choosing either procedure in CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction will produce excellent results for double chins. However, with the minimal downtime and noninvasive attributes of CoolSculpting, as well as the applicator selection, many more patients select CoolSculpting these days to remove fat from their chins.

Back Fat, Bra-Line, Etc.

CoolSculpting is the preeminent treatment to remove back fat in the bra-line. Patients can undergo a CoolSculpting procedure and return to work the same day with no downtime. Although liposuction ably and effectively treats this area, CoolSculpting remains the best choice to sculpt areas of back fat in almost any patient.

Banana Roll

The banana roll is an area of fat on the upper thigh right beneath the buttock. This is a very challenging area for liposuction surgeries. This is because the area remains extremely prone to skin looseness after liposuction. Unfortunately, this is only correctable with skin excision after a liposuction procedure.

When considering CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction for banana roll fat removal, CoolSculpting’s gradual nature is far less likely to result in this issue. Additionally, CoolSculpting may preserve some of the connective tissue that resides in this fatty area.

Choosing Between CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction with the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic

Our team at the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic from the Miami Center for Dermatology loves giving CoolSculpting procedures to our patients! When patients see the sculpted results they can achieve with CoolSculpting, they easily make the right choice for their needs.

For more information on the benefits of CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction, contact the team from the Miami Fat Freeze clinic today!

How to TRULY Maximize Your CoolSculpting Results

The Do’s and Don’ts to Get the Best Results from Fat Freezing in Miami

CoolSculpting is one of the most effective, noninvasive treatments to help you trim excess fat from certain areas of the body. Contrary to surgical procedures like liposuction, fat freezing in Miami enables you to safely remove fat utilize cold temperatures that kill off fat cells.

CoolSculpting imparts no downtime. This means you can go on with your typical day-to-day shortly after your session’s conclusion. Although it may take a few months before you notice the results, once they appear you will feel more than satisfied. You can also repeat the CoolSculpting treatment multiple times for an even better outcome.

While CoolSculpting helps you remove unwanted fat, knowing what to do once the procedure is complete is very important to maintain the best results. The method is also not designed for losing a large amount of weight.

Fat Freezing in Miami does eliminate fat cells for good. However, some remaining fat cells may get bigger, or move into treatment areas from other parts of the body. For this reason, understanding what to do after CoolSculpting remains crucial to maintain weight loss and overall health.

Commit to Diet and Nutrition

Even considering fat freezing in Miami may direct your attention to needed improvements in your current diet. Although CoolSculpting can represent a significant benefit to your weight loss, this doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. Paying attention to what you eat, as well as when you can prove crucial to your overall progress.

The best way to improve your diet is by eating more frequent, smaller meals instead of large meals a few times per day. Additionally, try to cut back on any processed foods and unhealthy snacks.

Hit the Gym Regularly

Exercising is the second most important thing to do after a CoolSculpting treatment. Losing weight after CoolSculpting is tricky. Nevertheless, incorporating some exercise at least 2 or 3 times per week can help you ensure that your fat freezing in Miami results last for a long time. Choose a workout regiment that incorporates strength and flexibility training, in addition to cardio.

Make the Right Lifestyle Adaptations

Losing weight isn’t easy. If it were, we would all like skinny and gorgeous with trimmed bodies. This is why many people elect to undergo a CoolSculpting procedure in the first place. Utilize your fat freezing in Miami as an opportunity to grow, and change your life for the better. A CoolSculpting treatment is the best time to start anew and commit to maintaining your weight in the future.

Fat Freezing in Miami with the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic and the Miami Center for Dermatology

It is only normal that you look forward to the best possible results from your CoolSculpting treatment. Nonetheless, it is essential that you take the proper steps to maintain your gorgeous and trimmed body once fat freezing in Miami is complete.

CoolSculpting and cryolipolysis can help you by offering you an incentive to adopt a healthier lifestyle. You shouldn’t rely on the treatment as standalone, major weight loss. For this, you need to commit to diet, lifestyle changes, and exercise.Our team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology can work with you to cultivate a unique, individualized specialized to your needs and goals. Our team wants to help you on your journey towards a slimmer you. Start today and contact our dedicated team today!

5 Problem Areas CoolSculpting Can Help Vanish!

Do You Want to Freeze Away Fat in Dade County?

Just take a look at our website. Our team at the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic can go on and on discussing the wonder that is CoolSculpting treatment. However, many new patients enter our facility remain curious about the areas of their body where CoolSculpting works the best.

CoolSculpting is the most effective, noninvasive procedure for helping individuals freeze away fat in Dade County. Nevertheless, the procedure works for certain stubborn fatty areas that refuse to respond to diet and exercise.

This is our clinic’s top 5 problem areas where CoolSculpting truly sets itself apart as a fat removal method:

Double Chin

Unlike liposuction and other traditional surgical techniques, CoolSculpting offers patients non-invasive fat reduction utilizing no needles or surgical incisions. For this reason, CoolSculpting remains the ideal option to help patients reduce the appearance of a double chin. However, this method can help you freeze away fat in Dade County and achieve a sculpted neck and chin with no scarring.

Back Fat

CoolSculpting provides incredible back fat removal on one of the most popular and most requested areas for fat freezing. With little-to-no discomfort, the fat freezing modality stimulates natural fat cell removal in a simple, one-hour procedure. Simply sit back and relax while you freeze away fat in Dade County.

Arm Fat

Flabby arms, “wings,”  or “lunch lady arms” often prove embarrassing for patients. Arm fat often makes individuals look heavier than they are. CoolSculpting is an effective way to lean out this area. As an entirely natural procedure, CoolSculpting freezes the cells in your arms before your body removes them naturally. In just a few weeks you can achieve the sculpted arms you always dreamed of.

Belly Fat

Many people enter our Miami Fat Freeze Clinic thinking they must go under the knife to remove stubborn belly fat. Fortunately, this isn’t the case. Thousands of individuals want to tighten up their stomach areas, but don’t want to endure the potential pain and downtime of surgery.

The good news is that with CoolSculpting, you can freeze away fat in Dade County pain, and downtime free in an outpatient procedure. This includes stubborn belly fat that laughs in the face of both diet, and exercise.

Hips and Love Handles

Love handles and fatty areas around the hips remain notoriously difficult regarding fat loss. Numerous individuals struggle to lose weight in these areas despite investing substantial time and effort into diet and exercise.

The CoolSculpting procedure can precisely target these often difficult-to-reach fat cells and eliminate them efficiently. Utilizing a variety of different attachments and tips, your fat freezing specialist from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic can administer the procedure effectively in areas that would otherwise remain difficult to treat.

Freeze Away Fat in Dade County with the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic from the Miami Center for Dermatology

Fat removal isn’t easy. You may experience significant challenges losing weight, let alone in these aforementioned troublesome parts of your body. Dr. Longwill and her team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic understand the difficulty that many endure after unsuccessfully trying to lose their stubborn fat. For this reason, we recommend trying to freeze away fat in Dade Country with the CoolSculpting procedure.

This noninvasive, non-surgical fat removal process imparts minimal if any downtime and requires no needles, as well as no incisions. All you need to do is sit back comfortably as a CoolSculpting specialist works to help you achieve your dream physique.

For more information on how CoolSculpting can help you freeze away fat in Dade County, contact the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic to schedule an appointment today!