
Spring Clean Your Body With a CoolSculpting Treatment

Time to Check Up On Your Resolution – Start Your Spring Cleaning with CoolSculpting Treatment in Miami

Looking for a great way to slim down or get rid of some extra midsection fat? The spring is the best time to not only clean old fixtures from your pantry, but you might also want to consider a CoolSculpting treatment in Miami that can help you sculpt the body you always wanted.

CoolSculpting utilizes the absolute latest in technology to help individuals sculpt and tone their physique. The treatment can accomplish this by freezing the fat cells. Nevertheless, it is important to note that if you don’t commit to a healthy, nutritional diet and exercise regimen, the results will not remain permanent.

FDA-Approved Fat Freezing – CoolSculpting Treatment in Miami

Hundreds of thousands of patients undergo liposuction surgery each year. However, many remain unaware that CoolSculpting is a noninvasive alternative to this invasive surgical process. Cleared by the FDA, CoolSculpting treatment in Miami is an innovative method to remove love handles and other stubborn areas of fat.

Two doctors came up with the idea to utilize a burst of cold to get rid of unwanted, stubborn fat. They observed individuals that commonly consumed popsicles as children commonly growing into dimple-faced adults. This lead to a realization that the cold annihilated the cells of fat within their cheeks permanently.

Nevertheless, a scientific reason for this exists. This is simply the way the cryolipolysis works. CoolSculpting treatment in Miami feels icy due to the equipment that specialists use to freeze off the fat cells in a patient’s body. Once the CoolSculpting equipment kills and freezes the fat, they drain away from the body in a natural process.

However, it is important to remember that CoolSculpting treatment in Miami does not represent a perfect substitute for liposuction. This is especially true when individuals are obese or possess a great deal of fat. The procedure ideally works for patients that want to tone and sculpt their body. It can accomplish this by removing fat in troublesome, stubborn areas.

What Better Time to Get Rid of a Double Chin, or Those Annoying Love Handles

After the conclusion of a CoolSculpting treatment in Miami, you may experience some temporary redness. Some patients also bruise mildly during the procedure. Nonetheless, CoolSculpting is a great way to spring clean your body. Rid yourself of unwanted belly fat, love handles, bra fat, etc.

Cosmetic specialists administer over 1 million procedures every year. Although many of these procedures reflect liposuction or tummy tuck surgeries, when you need to remove fat that is not excessive, you can bypass the invasiveness of these processes and go for CoolSculpting treatment in Miami.

CoolSculpting Treatment in Miami from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology

Do you want to turn your keg or 2-pack abdomen into a 4-pack or 6-pack? Finding out more about CoolSculpting treatment in Miami can set you off on the course to success. This procedure is so non-invasive that many patients choose to catch up on emails or read a book during the CoolSculpting process.

Nevertheless, it remains important to remember that despite the body removing the fat cells permanently, fat cells in surrounding areas can still move in before expanding. For this reason, diet and exercise maintenance after CoolSculpting treatment in Miami is crucial for the best possible outcome.

To learn more about CoolSculpting and how it can help you spring clean your body fat this season, contact the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic from the Miami Center for Dermatology today!

How to TRULY Maximize Your CoolSculpting Results

The Do’s and Don’ts to Get the Best Results from Fat Freezing in Miami

CoolSculpting is one of the most effective, noninvasive treatments to help you trim excess fat from certain areas of the body. Contrary to surgical procedures like liposuction, fat freezing in Miami enables you to safely remove fat utilize cold temperatures that kill off fat cells.

CoolSculpting imparts no downtime. This means you can go on with your typical day-to-day shortly after your session’s conclusion. Although it may take a few months before you notice the results, once they appear you will feel more than satisfied. You can also repeat the CoolSculpting treatment multiple times for an even better outcome.

While CoolSculpting helps you remove unwanted fat, knowing what to do once the procedure is complete is very important to maintain the best results. The method is also not designed for losing a large amount of weight.

Fat Freezing in Miami does eliminate fat cells for good. However, some remaining fat cells may get bigger, or move into treatment areas from other parts of the body. For this reason, understanding what to do after CoolSculpting remains crucial to maintain weight loss and overall health.

Commit to Diet and Nutrition

Even considering fat freezing in Miami may direct your attention to needed improvements in your current diet. Although CoolSculpting can represent a significant benefit to your weight loss, this doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. Paying attention to what you eat, as well as when you can prove crucial to your overall progress.

The best way to improve your diet is by eating more frequent, smaller meals instead of large meals a few times per day. Additionally, try to cut back on any processed foods and unhealthy snacks.

Hit the Gym Regularly

Exercising is the second most important thing to do after a CoolSculpting treatment. Losing weight after CoolSculpting is tricky. Nevertheless, incorporating some exercise at least 2 or 3 times per week can help you ensure that your fat freezing in Miami results last for a long time. Choose a workout regiment that incorporates strength and flexibility training, in addition to cardio.

Make the Right Lifestyle Adaptations

Losing weight isn’t easy. If it were, we would all like skinny and gorgeous with trimmed bodies. This is why many people elect to undergo a CoolSculpting procedure in the first place. Utilize your fat freezing in Miami as an opportunity to grow, and change your life for the better. A CoolSculpting treatment is the best time to start anew and commit to maintaining your weight in the future.

Fat Freezing in Miami with the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic and the Miami Center for Dermatology

It is only normal that you look forward to the best possible results from your CoolSculpting treatment. Nonetheless, it is essential that you take the proper steps to maintain your gorgeous and trimmed body once fat freezing in Miami is complete.

CoolSculpting and cryolipolysis can help you by offering you an incentive to adopt a healthier lifestyle. You shouldn’t rely on the treatment as standalone, major weight loss. For this, you need to commit to diet, lifestyle changes, and exercise.Our team from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology can work with you to cultivate a unique, individualized specialized to your needs and goals. Our team wants to help you on your journey towards a slimmer you. Start today and contact our dedicated team today!

Instead of Working Out As A New Year’s Resolution, Try This

On January 1st, it suddenly became everyone’s new year’s resolution to work out. But, let’s face it, hitting the gym is hard. Committing to an extraneous work out plan three to five times a week along with diet can be difficult when you’re always on the go. Working out and maintaining a healthy diet will allow you to fit into those jeans, but Coolsculpting will allow you to ease up on the workouts and obtain a sexy figure.

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5 things You Didn’t Know about CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is becoming more popular in the beauty community. We can’t blame influencers from talking to highly about this life-changing procedure. The talk of a noninvasive procedure that jumpstarts a weight loss journey is exciting, but there are a few things we want you to know before booking your session with us at Miami Fat Freeze.

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Don’t Lose Sight of Your New Year’s Resolutions! We Can Help You Achieve Your Body Goals!

Weight Loss Help

If your past new year’s resolutions to lose weight have not ended as you would have liked, it can be discouraging to keep trying. One of the biggest reasons people quit regularly exercising and dieting is because they lack the motivation to keep going when they do not see any noticeable results. At Miami Fat Freeze, our Weight Loss Help procedure will make you look slimmer and healthier than you have in years without the need for dieting or exercise! Our CoolSculpting procedure will quickly and effectively burn excess fat from your body.

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Can the CoolSculpting Procedure Eliminate Your Double Chin? Find out Now!

Eliminate Chin Fat

No matter how hard you may try, it may seem like that stubborn fat under your chin is never going away. It can be easy to lose motivation to workout and diet, especially if you are not seeing any results on trouble areas of your body. However, at Miami Fat Freeze our CoolSculpting procedure can easily Eliminate Chin Fat so you can look your best this holiday season and see the results you have been wanting. In less than an hour, you can permanently get rid of that excess fat you hate!

Our CoolSculpting treatment works to Eliminate Chin Fat by using targeted cooling plates to freeze excess adipose cells in areas of your body such as the chin, upper arms, thighs, stomach, and buttocks. Once these cells are frozen and killed, your body will naturally dispose of them, and you will look healthier and slimmer. Your body will permanently get rid of that fat but following a healthy lifestyle after your procedures is important so other fat cells don’t move in to take their place. If you have been looking for a way to quickly get rid of fat without having to take dangerous supplements, look no further.

Get Rid of Double Chin

A CoolSculpting treatment to Eliminate Chin Fat is quick and painless with no downtime required, so you can immediately go back to your daily schedule. This makes it perfect for those who are too busy and can’t dedicate time to regular exercise or dieting. If you have any questions about our CoolSculpting procedure, one of our staff will be more than happy to answer them for you! With over two decades of experience in dermatology, Dr. Deborah Longwill knows the best treatments and procedures to make you look your best.

At Miami Fat Freeze, our CoolSculpting procedure will easily help you Eliminate Chin Fat so you can look your best this holiday season. It is a completely natural and pain-free procedure that will make your family and friends wonder how you looked so good so fast. With no downtime or need for recovery, this is a perfect treatment to have when on a lunch break or have a little free time. Your family and friends will never know you even had a treatment done in the first place!

Chin Fat Reduction

Schedule your appointment to Eliminate Chin Fat by calling us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment online!

Reuniting with Distant Relatives for the Holiday Season? Look Your Best with a Fat Freeze Session!

Frozen Fat Treatment

If you are feeling insecure about your weight and being with friends and family you have not seen all year this holiday season; you may start looking for unhealthy ways to lose your excess fat. There are many different supplements and treatments on the market that claim to help you lose weight quickly, but in reality, they can be dangerous for your health. At Miami Fat Freeze, our Frozen Fat Treatment is an effective and safe way to lose excess fat and look better than you have in years.

Our Frozen Fat Treatment, called CoolSculpting, works by using cooling plates to target and freeze excess fat cells in problem areas in your body. Areas such as your upper arms, stomach, thighs, and buttocks are places where fat accumulates and is difficult to get rid of. One your fat cells are frozen and killed your body will naturally dispose of them, making your body look thinner and healthier. Since your body gets rid of the dead cells, they will be gone forever and not return. However, other fat cells can move in to take their place so leading a healthy lifestyle is important after your treatment.

Freeze Belly Fat

One of the best parts about our Frozen Fat Treatment is that it is perfect for those with a busy schedule. A typical treatment lasts less than an hour and does not require any recovery time, so you can quickly return to work or school right after. Within several weeks you will begin to see your results and have a slimmer, healthier looking body. When you see your family and friends, you have not seen in months this holiday season, and they will never even know that you had a treatment done in the first place.

At Miami Fat Freeze, you can have a Frozen Fat Treatment that will make you look the best you have in years this holiday season. CoolSculpting uses your body’s natural functions to dispose of fat cells forever, giving you a healthy and long-term solution for your excess fat that has been sticking around for too long. If you have not seen any results from exercise or dieting, then CoolSculpting may be the best option for you. If you have any questions or concerns about any of our services, we will be more than happy to sit down and answer them for you.

CoolScultping Results

Schedule your Frozen Fat Treatment today by calling us at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment online!


Having Trouble Squeezing into Your Favorite Dress? Just One Coolsculpting Session Can Help!

Best Body Sculpting

One of the worst feelings you can have is not being able to fit into your favorite dress or pair of jeans anymore. Even with all of the exercise and dieting possible, you can’t get back to the shape you were once in. Fortunately, at Miami Fat Freeze we have the Best Body Sculpting that will make you look thinner and healthier than you ever have before, without the need of exercise or dieting. Our treatment removes your excess fat cells naturally and without the need for dangerous supplements or drugs.

This Best Body Sculpting treatment, called CoolSculpting, utilizes targeted freezing plates to kill off excess adipose fat cells. Over the course of several weeks, your body will dispose of these dead cells and your body will naturally begin to look slimmer and feel healthier. After one treatment you will be able to fit back into your favorite clothes that have not been able to fit you anymore. Since the freezing plates only target adipose fat cells, you do not have to worry about other tissue on the area becoming killed. CoolSculpting is truly the most revolutionary way to lose excess weight without the need for any work on your part.

Body Contouring

Since CoolSculpting is completely noninvasive you do not have to worry about anything going wrong, making it the Best Body Sculpting treatment available. The most popular places to have fat killed off are the thighs, stomach, and upper arms. There is no recovery period after a treatment so you can go back to work or school right after, making this the perfect option for those who wish to lose weight but lead busy lives. Since the cells are killed off, they do not return but others can move in to take their place, so a healthy lifestyle is important after your treatment.

At Miami Fat Freeze, we offer the Best Body Sculpting treatment for those who wish to easily and effectively wish to lose weight without the need for surgery or dangerous diets. CoolSculpting uses targeted freezing technology to crystallize and kill excess fat cells so they will not return, giving you lasting and completely natural results.

Fat Sculpting

Get the results you have been wanting with CoolSculpting by calling us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment!


Stuck in a Weight Loss Rut? Miami Fat Freeze Can Help You Get Through It!

Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you are not seeing the results you want. With summer coming around the corner, time is running out to perfect your beach body. There are many supplements, programs, and procedures that claim to help you lose weight fast but they can turn out to be more unhealthy and potentially dangerous. At Miami Fat Freeze, our Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction can give you the summer body you have been working towards quickly and easily! With no injections, supplements, or dangerous diets you can have a slimmer and healthier looking beach body.

This treatment, called CoolSculpting, is the safest and quickest way to lose excess fat cells. It uses cooling plates to freeze excess fat cells around your thighs and stomach. Once these fat cells are killed, your body naturally disposes of them and causes you to look slimmer and healthier. The cooling plates will not harm any other tissue because they are directed to only freeze adipose cells. Our Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction does not leave any scars, pain, or discomfort so you can return to your normal schedule after your treatment. CoolSculpting is perfect for those who have busy lives and can’t dedicate time to exercising.

Liposuction Alternative

Once the excess fat cells are killed they will not return, giving you long lasting and naturally looking results. However, other fat cells can move in to take their place so it is important to continue to lead a healthy lifestyle after your Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction treatment. If you believe that you may benefit from extra treatments, ask your physician to see if it is the best option for you. When you see your results, your confidence and self-esteem will be higher than ever before.

At Miami Fat Freeze, get your beach body with the Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction treatment. In less than an hour, you can kill the excess fat cells you have been trying to unsuccessfully get rid of. In no time, your body will look naturally slimmer and healthier. With no discomfort, pain, or scars this is the best option for anyone who is quickly trying to lose fat.

Belly Fat Removal

Look the best you ever have this summer by calling us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment!

Looking for the Best Dermatologist in Pinecrest? Dr. Longwill Is the One for You!

Best Dermatology in Pinecrest

Summer is an important time for your body, like making sure you have that Summer body you have been working towards and taking care of your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. You may think that it is too late for the perfect Summer body, but not with Dr. Deborah Longwill. At Miami Fat Freeze, our Best Dermatology in Pinecrest practice can help you achieve the results you want. Other weight loss methods may be dangerous and ineffective, but ours will be sure to give you a natural, healthier looking beach body.

To get the perfect Summer body, our Best Dermatology in Pinecrest uses CoolScuplting to get the job done. Rather than recommend a dangerous diet or pills, CoolScuplting is a completely natural and safe way to lose excess fat. By using targeted cooling plates to kill excess fat cells, your body naturally disposes of them to give you a slimmer shape. The cooling plates only target adipose cells, so you do not have to worry about it damaging any other tissue. After a CoolSculpting treatment, you see results in the next several weeks that many will be jealous of.

Center for Dermatology

Dr. Deborah Longwill is an expert in the Best Dermatology in Pinecrest. She has over 20 years of experience practicing dermatology in South Florida and is always keeping up with the latest technologies and treatments. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Longwill will be happy to answer them, so you can feel confident that you are in the right hands. She is also an expert in skin care, and if you would like to know the best products to use or ones that are right for your skin type, she knows exactly what to recommend. When you meet with Dr. Longwill, you will be taken care of.

At Miami Fat Freeze, we are committed to being the Best Dermatology in Pinecrest. If you are looking to have your Summer body as soon as possible, our CoolScultping treatment can help you get fast results in a safe and healthy way. Dr. Longwill and her staff will be happy to meet with you and answer any questions or concerns you have about anything at all.

Best Doctor

For more information about our Best Dermatology in Pinecrest practice, call us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment!