
Non Invasive Body Sculpting, Miami CoolSculpting Doctor

Causes of Weight Gain: How CoolSculpting Can Keep You Thin!

Non Invasive Body Sculpting

At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, so many people fall into a weight gain rut for many weeks, months, and even years. They begin to notice weight gain in the main areas to gain weight, such as the stomach, thighs, legs, back, and arms. At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, our Non Invasive Body Sculpting delivers better results than exercise and dieting! We are able to sculpt and contour your body to instantly look thinner! It is also important that you do your part too! Your body would look more fit and contoured if you had less fat to freeze, and knowing the causes of weight gain can easily help you to eliminate them from your routine.

Want to make an appointment for our Non Invasive Body Sculpting? Click here!

Miami CoolSculpting Doctor

What are the causes of weight gain?

  • Sugar Intake: Having an abundance of sugar in your daily diet can quite easily affect your weight loss. You will begin to notice a change in your body, health, and energy with constant sugar included in your diet.
  • Food Addiction: When junk food is highly engineered, it can cause stimulation and addiction. When you are addicted to junk food it can cause extreme weight gain in all areas of your body, deteriorate your health, and more!
  • Lack of physical activity: This does not mean you have to go to the gym 5 times a week. Just walk for 45 minutes every day and get your blood flowing to see results!
  • Genetics: If you come from a family with high tendencies to gain weight quickly, it is likely you will experience the same thing.

How can CoolSculpting in Miami help?

  • Your stubborn fat with be placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  • After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, the targeted fat cells are eliminated naturally for the next several weeks
  • The results from using the CoolSculpting technology are long lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

Call or make an appointment with the Miami Fat Freeze Center today for our Non Invasive Body Sculpting! Phone us at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

CoolSculpting Miami

What Areas of the Body Gain the Most Fat? How Can CoolSculpting Help?

CoolSculpting Miami

Are you tired of gaining weight continuously in the same area? Is your fat not going away even after exercise and dieting? We can help! At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, we offer the newest and most improved way of losing weight in the year 2015, and that is CoolSculpting! Our procedure is non-invasive and offers the best and longest-lasting results! CoolSculpting can be used on many problem areas of your body, especially some of the most common areas that the body stores fat.

Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatment

What areas store the most fat?

Your Stomach: This is probably the most popular area that people will gain weight . Men have a much higher tendency to gain weight in this area than women. With CoolSculpting Miami, we can freeze away the unwanted fat cells underneath your skin in order to tighten and contour your stomach!

Hips, Butt, and Thighs: More women than men store fat in these three areas. A great way to get rid of the excess fat is with our CoolSculpting procedure, in order to naturally remove it without any surgery!

Underarms: The underarms are one of the most highly requested areas for our CoolSculpting procedure. We tone and contour your underarm fat to give you slimmer looking arms!

Chest: Women always understand the issue of gaining weight on their chest, and with our CoolSculpting Miami we can easily make sure that your fat cells shrink and go away for good to give you a lighter and slimmer chest!

Back: Not many people gain weight on their back, but for those who do, they understand the difficulty in removing it with diet and exercise. Have a hassle-free CoolSculpting procedure done and easily lose the fat on your back!

Freeze Away Unwanted Fat

Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment for our CoolSculpting Miami!

CoolSculpting Procedure

What Is CoolSculpting? How Can You Tell It Is Right for You?

CoolSculpting Procedure

The Miami Fat Freeze center is providing the latest and most innovative piece of technology ever created that offers both men and women their dream bodies. We understand many people struggle with their weight.

Our patients often exhaust all resources in regards to their weight. This includes weight loss pills, extreme dieting, as well as exercise training and fat loss surgeries. However, with the CoolSculpting procedure, there is no need to worry about this anymore!

That’s right! CoolSculpting enables us to freeze away the stubborn and unwanted fat that you possess, and without struggling with unwanted surgeries, diets, and exercise routines that could interfere with your busy schedule!

The CoolSculpting procedure is a hassle-free, noninvasive method that demonstrates instantaneous results! Avoid the hassle of waiting for up to 12 weeks before seeing results. You can also alleviate recovery time by signing up for the CoolSculpting procedure today to attain optimal results!

How does the CoolSculpting Procedure work?

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure that stimulates the body’s natural process to remove stubborn, unwanted fat cells. The CoolSculpting process involves targeting specific fatty areas and freezing the existing fat cells.

A few steps comprise the CoolSculpting procedure. You can expect:

  1. A specialist marks targeted areas and places the fat between specially designed cooling panels.
  2. The stubborn fat area is then located and the cool temperatures freeze and kill the fat cells through controlled cooling.
  3. After approximately one hour, the cold crystallized the fat cells. This stimulates the body’s natural dead cell removal process known as cryolipolysis. During this process, the body eliminates and removes the targeted fat cells naturally and continuously throughout the next several weeks.
  4. CoolSculpting technology demonstrates long-lasting results, and the target area is devoid of the fat cells for good.

Freeze Away Unwanted Fat

The time needed to complete the CoolSculpting procedure depends on the amount of fat to lose, as well as where the process removes the fat. The best part of the process? It is entirely noninvasive, removing fat in the natural bodily function cryolipolysis.

At the Miami Fat Freeze clinic, we understand that losing weight is sometimes incredibly difficult. Some people experience feelings regarding predisposition to weight loss troubles while others lose troublesome weight with ease.

Nearly everyone wants to lose some weight if even a few stubborn pounds. However, it is not uncommon for diet and exercise to fail while fighting stubborn fat. This is precisely where CoolSculpting steps in to help.

The CoolSculpting fat freezing treatment is a safe, effective, and noninvasive method to reduce and remove unwanted fat. Previously, patients enlisted surgeries to alleviate this issue, and as a result, experienced surgeries and many other unwanted derivatives.

Luckily, with advancing medical research and technology we now possess a procedure like CoolSculpting to help these individuals. The CoolSculpting fat reduction is a proven fat freezing treatment for individuals wanting their fat reduced and removed.

More Information about the CoolSculpting Procedure

CoolSculpting technology employs the natural bodily function cryolipolysis. The system cools adipose tissue, targeting specific areas without damaging surrounding tissues. The process is the brainchild of doctors Manstein and Anderson.

Once the fat cell area is targeted and revealed by the cooling system, the fat lessens over a few months course. Although patients report initial discomfort, this is simply the beginning stages where vacuuming fat begins.

After a short period of time, this experienced discomfort subsides, and you can continue sitting comfortably. Many patients utilize this time to read a book, catch up on paperwork, as well as work tasks like responding to emails or other correspondence.

CoolSculpting Procedure from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic

The Miami Fat Freeze clinic and the Miami Center for Dermatology is a team of caring, concerned professionals. For this reason, we offer South Florida patients the CoolSculpting procedure.

Dr. Longwill and our team understand how unfortunate stubborn and unwanted fat is. Our primary goal is to provide patients with a resource that requires no surgery. We provide CoolSculpting as a noninvasive procedure that demonstrates effective as well as preeminent fat loss results.

We can provide you with the body of your dreams. Miami Fat Freeze accomplishes this without the suffering and extensive recovery often accompanying traditional fat removal treatments. Our team knows that part of looking your best is also feeling your best.

For more information on a CoolSculpting procedure from Miami Fat Freeze, contact a team member today. We can help you lose the troublesome fat that ails you!