CoolSculpting in Miami

Is CoolSculpting in Miami Effective?

Numerous different studies show that CoolSculpting represents an effective method to help individuals reduce areas of stubborn fat. The process is a nonsurgical medical procedure that eliminates extra fat cells from beneath the skin. As a result of the noninvasive nature concerning CoolSculpting in Miami, it offers a plethora of benefits over traditional fat removal treatments.

CoolSculpting relies on a procedure that we call cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis reduces treated fat layers by as much as 25 percent, and with a little bit of effort, you can still see results as time goes on.

A specialist simply places a roll of fat between two cooling panels. These panels freeze the fat cells, effectively killing them. Your body can then excrete the dead cells through the liver within several weeks after treatment. In about three months, you will reveal the full results of CoolSculpting in Miami as your body removes them naturally.

CoolSculpting also remains the ideal option to help you treat multiple parts of your body. The most common areas include:

  • Thighs
  • Belly
  • Sides
  • Lower Back

CoolSculpting in Miami helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the legs, arms, as well as the buttocks. Some people may also rely on the treatment to help reduce excess fat in the double-chin area.

Nevertheless, the process only takes about an hour for each targeted area. However, you will need to undergo more CoolSculpting treatments to see results in more bodily areas. Larger body parts might also necessitate further treatment over smaller areas.

Who Does CoolSculpting in Miami Work Best For?

CoolSculpting in Miami is not for everyone. You cannot utilize the procedure as a cure for obesity. The technique is more appropriate to help remove small amounts of stubborn, extra fat. Many times, this fat simply won’t respond to traditional diet and exercise.

Nonetheless, the treatment remains a safe and effective way to help numerous individuals reduce their body fat. This is not to say that CoolSculpting is an ideal option for every patient.

It is important to discuss potential health risks and condition aggravation with a doctor before visiting a plastic or cosmetic specialist to perform CoolSculpting in Miami.

After all, CoolSculpting works the best with assistance from an experienced doctor, proper planning, and many sessions for optimal results, and additionally, reduce the potential for side effects.

Most people can drive themselves home after treatment. Because CoolSculpting in Miami remains noninvasive, you might even take some time during a procedure to catch up on emails, texts, or reading.

Ultimately, your CoolSculpting results should last indefinitely. Once CoolSculpting eradicates fat cells, they cannot come back. However, you may still gain weight after the treatment. Fat cells from other areas may move into the vacant space.

For this reason, you must commit to continuing with an exercise regimen, in addition to maintaining healthy nutrition. You won’t want all the time, work, and money that goes into a CoolSculpting process to go to waste.

Potential Side Effects of CoolSculpting in Miami

Some possible CoolSculpting in Miami side effects include:

  • Tugging or tightness in the treatment areas where a specialist places the fat roll between the freezing panels.
  • Sensations of light pain, stinging or aching at the targeted treatment site. This can occur up to two weeks after treatment but should go away without any additional intervention.
  • Short-term surface redness, as well as swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity directly on the treatment site.

CoolSculpting in Miami from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology

CoolSculpting in Miami

If you are currently considering a CoolSculpting in Miami treatment, our team recommends weighing the benefits against the risks. Also, enlist the services of a medical professional to see if the procedure is right for your needs.

The treatment does not best serve you if you want to lose a large amount of weight. If you remain healthy and just need a little bit of extra help to target stubborn, fatty areas that just won’t respond to diet or exercise.

It may take a few weeks to finally see results as your body flushes out the dead fat cells through the urinary system. Nevertheless, you can keep seeing improvements for 12 to 16 weeks after a CoolSculpting treatment.

To learn more about CoolSculpting in Miami from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic at the Miami Center for Dermatology, contact our dedicated and professional dermatology team today for more information, or to schedule an appointment.