
Miami CoolSculpting Doctor

CoolSculpting: The Best Body Sculpting Procedure for Any Age!

Miami CoolSculpting Doctor

If you are a man or a woman who has been looking for different alternatives to losing weight besides diet and exercise, then you have most likely heard of weight loss surgery, liposuction, and CoolSculpting. Only ONE of these three options are pain-free, affordable, effective, and don’t need any recovery time, and that is CoolSculpting. This new form of technology is a great way to shed unwanted fat to further contour and sculpt your body. Our Miami CoolSculpting Doctor performs this amazing and effective procedure on the area of your body that you choose, in order to see noticeable results. No matter what age you are ( obviously over the age of 18) you can be a perfect candidate for CoolSculpting!

Would you like to make an appointment? Call our Miami CoolSculpting Doctor at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

CoolSculpting in Miami

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is the best option for body contouring and sculpting, because it is a non-invasive procedure that requires no surgery, downtime, or pain. This treatment only takes about an hour, and during the procedure, your fat cells are targeted and frozen from your body naturally.

Is it right for you?

If you are over the age of 18, are looking for a way to get rid of love handles, flabby skin, or a muffin top, then this procedure is right for you! You don’t have to settle for waiting such a long time for diet and exercise results to kick in, and you don’t have to settle for painful surgeries or liposuction. You can FINALLY have a better and more effective solution that has pros that outweigh the cons!

When you are a man or a woman in your earlier years, you want to look and feel good in your body, and you don’t have to spend too much time or effort doing so with CoolSculpting. If you are a man or a woman that is in your much older years, we understand that life can get pretty hectic and can cause business in your life, leaving no time for exercise. CoolSculpting offers a solution to all these problems that people of different ages are going through.

Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment! with our Miami CoolSculpting Doctor today!

CoolSculpting for Men

Is CoolSculpting Right for Men? Find out More!

CoolSculpting for Men

We know that many women are always looking for different ways to improve their bodies, but the REAL question is, are men looking for a way too? And the answer is yes, they are! Men have busy schedules, have problem areas in their bodies, and are also finding new ways to lose weight, contour their bodies, and add definition to their muscle. Now you might be thinking that the most effective way we could do that would be to diet or exercise. But not all men can, and for that reason, and the fact that it is not as effective, we offer CoolSculpting. At the Miami Fat Freeze center, we get many men calling to make appointments or to ask us questions about our services.

We offer CoolSculpting for Men to help improve their overall body look! We can freeze away their unwanted fat in areas such as their stomach, legs, chest, and arms. If you are a man that has been feeling insecure or unconfident in their body, call us today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

Miami Fat Freeze

CoolSculpting for Men offers fantastic and effective results to ensure that your fat cells are gone for good! It is painless, affordable, and is a great alternative to having weight loss surgery. Men, don’t settle for expensive weight pills, diets, gym memberships, and surgeries to get rid of your unwanted fat. CoolSculpting for Men have you looking good, feeling good, and eliminating your fat cells forever!

How does CoolSculpting for Men work?

Several steps you can expect through the CoolSculpting Procedure:

  1. Your stubborn fat with be placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  2. After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, the targeted fat cells are eliminated naturally for the next several weeks
  3. The results from using the CoolSculpting technology are long lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment! We can transform your body with just one treatment and help you gain your confidence!

best body sculpting procedure

Want to Look Thinner for the Holidays? Make an Appointment Today!

Best Body Sculpting Procedure

Have you been trying to lose weight all year, but haven’t been successful? Well the holidays are right around the corner and you want to look your very best! Luckily Miami Fat Freeze offers the Best Body Sculpting Procedure.

What to Expect at your Coolsculpting Appointment?

You can expect to sit, relax, and wave away your stubborn fat. The great thing about our procedure is that you are awake and conscious. You can continue activities such as checking emails, reading a magazine or book, and even take a nap. These things are not possible when undergoing surgery, where you would be put to sleep.

At your appointment, you and your physician will discuss the area or areas you would like to receive treatment. Then the Coolsculpting device is carefully placed and the cooling process begins. Expect only satisfactory results with the Best Body Sculpting Procedure.

Favorable Coolsculpting Treatment Areas:

  • Flank
  • Love Handles
  • Abdomen
  • Belly
  • Inner Thigh
  • Outer Thigh
  • Unwanted Lumps
  • Under Chin

Why Coolsculpting is so Great with Miami Fat Freeze?

While other states begin to feel the chilliness as the holidays of November approach, South Florida continues to shine bright. This is great but also means that the pressure of staying in shape and looking great is still there. Although, we cannot hide under a sweater for a few months, the Best Body Sculpting Procedure is conveniently available in none other than Miami, Florida! With Miami Fat Freeze that stubborn fat you so badly want to get rid of is made easier! The results of our Coolsculpting technology are effective and long lasting.

Miami CoolSculpting

Look thinner for the holidays with CoolSculpting, the Best Body Sculpting Procedure! Made easier, more effective, and delivers more noticeable results with Miami Fat Freeze. Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment.

Best Body Sculpting Procedure | Coolsculpting Procedure Miami

Non Invasive Fat Reduction

Which Parts of the Body Draw the Most Attention?

Non Invasive Fat Reduction

Ever notice someone staring at your arm flab? It is because your arms are one of the main parts of the body that draw a lot of attention, especially when you are wearing tank tops or strapless dresses that leave your arms bare. The arms are not the only area that receive the most attention. Areas such as your stomach, chest, legs, thighs, and hips can be eyed from time to time. When your body becomes the center of attention, it can be extremely difficult on your confidence if you have sections of unwanted fat.

That is why the Miami Fat Freeze Center offers the best Non Invasive Fat Reduction procedure known as CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting works hard to target your fat cells in order to freeze them and permanently remove them from your body for a sculpted and contoured look!

Drawing attention to your body does not have to be a blow to your confidence anymore! You can easily get rid of your arm flab, your saddlebags, and even your muffin top. Sound like something you want? Then don’t hesitate or put it off! Click here to make an appointment for our Non Invasive Fat Reduction procedure today!

Cosmetic Body Fat Removal

This cosmetic procedure does not require extensive surgery, recovery time, difficult prep, or breaking your wallet! For a great price you can easily reduce the amount of unwanted fat you have in any area you want without having to deal with painful surgery.

At Miami Fat Freeze, we know that it can be difficult for women or men to feel confident if their chubbier areas are gaining constant attention. Let us give you a thinner and more sculpted body that gets the right attention without lowering your self esteem.

CoolSculpting Doctor

Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment! Your body transformation is just one appointment away!

Fat Freezing Treatment in Kendall

Weight Loss Surgery vs. CoolSculpting : Find out the Facts!

Fat Reduction Procedure

At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, we constantly get men and women asking us about the difference between weight loss surgery and CoolSculpting and which option would be best for them and their needs. We will always recommend CoolSculpting, mainly because it is so beneficial and effective, and is a much better alternative to weight loss surgery, exercise, and dieting. With our Fat Reduction Procedure, you can guarantee long lasting results that are instantly noticeable! To make an appointment, click here!

Non Invasive Fat Removal

If we had to compare weight loss surgery and CoolSculpting, we would easily list the benefits of both to prove to all of our customers that CoolSculpting is better.

  • CoolSculpting requires no recovery time, while weight loss surgery does. Recovery times for weight loss surgeries usually depend on what areas and how many areas for the surgery. If you want to tone your body and weight a few weeks to recover, then weight loss surgery is for you. BUT, if you would like to see instant results and no recovery time, then CoolSculpting is the best, and really, who doesn’t hate recovery time? It takes away from your busy schedule, like work, school, or taking care of kids.
  • CoolSculpting has no side effects, while weight loss surgery does. There are many long term side effects to weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass, gallstones, dizziness, vomiting, bloating, and nausea. CoolSculpting has no side effects, and instead of making you feel terrible, it actually makes you feel lighter, healthier, and more confident.
  • CoolSculpting is painless, while weight loss surgery can be painful. Though the surgery itself might not be painful, it can easily hurt once the medication has worn off. Our Fat Reduction Procedure is painless and can barely be felt during and after the procedure.
  • CoolSculpting does not need added medication, unlike weight loss surgery. For the surgery, you would need different types of medications for recovery, while CoolSculpting just requires you to enjoy your new look!

Miami CoolSculpting

As you can see, CoolSculpting, the best Fat Reduction Procedure is easier, more effective, and delivers more noticeable results than weight loss surgery. Choose CoolSculpting as your #1 option for body sculpting and contouring! Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment.

Non Invasive Fat Removal

Are Diet and Exercise Not Working for You? Choose CoolSculpting Today!

Non Invasive Fat Removal

Are you tired of not seeing results from your diet and exercise routine? We understand that both men and women have difficulty losing weight, toning, and sculpting their body, which is why our CoolSculpting procedure is the best route to take. CoolSculpting is a Non Invasive Fat Removal procedure that targets your fat cells to give you a more sculpted and contoured body! This procedure does not require any surgery, nor does it require any recovery time, which is why it is so amazing! It can easily take one to two hours to remove your fat cells, instead of one to two months just losing 2 pounds from diet and exercise!

To make an appointment for a new and improved you, click here!

CoolSculpting in Miami

Why diet and exercise are not always the answer:

When people think of weight loss, they think of dieting, gyms, exercise, running and more! When WE think of weight loss, we think, the simpler and quicker, the better! CoolSculpting targets your fat cells, freezes them, and destroys them. This process gives you a more sculpted-looking body. Exercise and dieting takes extreme dedication, sacrifice, time, and money, and for what? To lose a few pounds here and there? With CoolSculpting you can have real and more noticeable results after just one treatment!

  • Exercising: This can often be something that requires time, and if you are always busy, then you might never have time. CoolSculpting takes care of that problem in maybe less than two hours!
  • Dieting: This is something so many people struggle with, because it is difficult to eat healthier foods every day and sacrifice the foods you enjoy. With CoolSculpting, you don’t need to sacrifice any foods you like to eat, and you can avoid spending extra money on healthier and more organic food!

Exercise and dieting are not worth the time, money, and sacrifice. At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, our Non Invasive Fat Removal procedure can give you the body you want and need! Wow your friends and family with your transformation! Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

Body Sculpting for Women, Non Invasive Fat Reduction

Recently Have a Baby? Get Rid of Pregnancy Weight Gain Today!

Body Sculpting for Women

Going through pregnancy is something that many women cherish. Giving birth to a child delivers so much joy! However, something that sends women on the low-confidence path is the weight that they gain during their pregnancy.

This is a natural and healthy part of pregnancy and something that no one should feel embarrassed about. Nevertheless, weight gain happens. Numerous women gain weight and experience difficult shedding off the pounds afterward.

Sometimes it is extremely difficult for women to lose weight through diet and exercise since they now care for a baby as well.

At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, we understand that many women will struggle with pregnancy weight, our team is here to help! With our body sculpting for women, we can help anyone who struggles with pregnancy weight gain. We will prove them a thinner, sculpted, and more contoured body!

How Does Body Sculpting for Women Work?

It is important to remember that this procedure is the best alternative! There is no need to diet, exercise, or get any weight loss surgery. CoolSculpting, Body Sculpting for Women, can give you a more fit, contoured, and sculpted body. It’s as easy as 1,2,3!

  1. Your stubborn fat with be placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  2. After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, the targeted fat cells are eliminated naturally for the next several weeks
  3. The results from using the CoolSculpting technology are long lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

Non-Invasive Fat Reduction

The CoolSculpting procedure involves covering the unwanted fat with extremely cold, specialized cooling plates. The fat crystallizes in a natural bodily process and then is discarded. The duration of a CoolSculpting procedure depends on the location desired for fat removal, as well as how much of it is present.

CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women stimulates a process called cryolipolysis. This is a natural process that body uses to remove dead cells. CoolSculpting will target specific areas afflicted with troublesome, breaking down the cells while causing no damage to surrounding tissues.

Once the system reveals the fat cells, the thickness in these areas begins to decrease. This process continues throughout the subsequent months. While the patient undergoes CoolSculpting, they can remain seated comfortably, continuing their work, corresponding through email or phone while they wait.

The Best Surgery Alternative

CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women is the only treatment that both freezes fat, and is FDA-approved. Patients no longer need to undergo surgery, injections, or any unwanted recovery periods.

The CoolSculpting Process only takes about an hour and is an “in and out” procedure. This means that once the treatment is complete, you can go home and resume your activities as normal!

CoolSculpting targets fat cells then freezes and removes them through cryolipolysis. The treatment continues over a period of approximately 6 to 12 weeks. After this time, patients experience the most optimal results.

Can a Patient Undergo more than One CoolSculpting Procedure?

CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women is the ideal treatment for patients that possess small amounts of stubborn fat. For anyone that is obese or wields dangling skin, these individuals may require liposuction, or a tummy tuck procedure prior to CoolSculpting.

Once the patient recovers from one of these supplementary treatments, a specialist will reassess their condition. From here, the patient may demonstrate optimal conditions for a CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women treatment.

Recovery time between supplemental treatments like liposuction is generally somewhere between four to six months. When patients require additional body sculpting for women, or increase the contour in a specific area, they can make an additional appointment with the Miami Center for Dermatology.

Dr. Longwill and her team will analyze your progress in addition to your current condition. This will help them determine the best treatment for your needs. Our staff will guide you through body sculpting for women every step of the way!

Body Sculpting for Women from the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic

You no longer need to struggle to try to lose your pregnancy weight! Our team will lift that weight off of your shoulders while making the journey that much easier for you! Focus on your health, life, and a beautiful new baby with a fantastic new body.

We always recommend that you lose a few unwanted pounds before considering a CoolSculpting treatment. The CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women is intended as a final step in the quest for weight loss.

You should put in all of the hard work to lose the weight on your own, and then we can help you lose the last bit from those extraordinarily stubborn areas. These areas are frequently the underarms, belly fat, and love handles.

CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women is revolutionizing the cosmetic fat loss industry. The innovative procedure delivers preeminent and undeniable results. If you try and try to lose stubborn baby fat to no avail, the Miami Fat Freeze clinic can help you!

For more information on the CoolSculpting Body Sculpting for Women procedure, call us today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment! We want to help you regain your confidence through the noninvasive procedure!

Take back your baby body today, and undergo a CoolSculpting procedure. The goal of our team at the Miami Fat Freeze Clinic is to help you look you best, while additionally helping you feel your best as well!

Body Sculpting Center

What Can You Expect During Your CoolSculpting Procedure Appointment?

Body Sculpting Center

At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, we understand the importance of a patient being comfortable at all times. When a patient knows how to prepare for the CoolSculpting procedure, what they can expect, and other information about it, they are more comfortable and easy-going during the appointment. Our staff at the Body Sculpting Center will make sure to deliver clear and precise information about the procedure once you have made an appointment. If you have not yet made an appointment, and would like to schedule one immediately, then call us today at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

How can one prepare for the CoolSculpting Procedure?

The best ways to prepare for CoolSculpting is by making sure you have a loved one to take you, stay with you, and pick you up. It is also important to drink lots of water and eat something before the procedure since it is an hour long appointment. We also highly recommend making sure that the rest of your day is clear in order to avoid having to do much after the procedure.

Fat Freezing Procedure

What can one expect during the CoolSculpting Procedure?

You can expect to have a very smooth sailing appointment because our staff makes sure to put your needs and your comfort as a priority. It is expected to be either nervous or excited during the procedure, but our staff can easily make sure that everything runs perfectly. The doctor will come in and begin the procedure, which will usually take up to an hour or an hour and a half, depending on the areas and/or amount of areas you plan to sculpt.

Body Sculpting CenterBest Dermatologist in Miami

Who will be performing the CoolSculpting Procedure?

Dr. Longwill will be handling all of the CoolSculpting appointments at our Body Sculpting Center. Dr. Deborah Longwill of Miami Center of Dermatology is certified to perform Dermatologist and cosmetic procedures. She has served South Florida since 1992 and is one of the few doctors who perform the CoolSculpting Procedure in Miami.

Now that you know a little bit more of information about CoolSculpting, you can make an appointment today for any day that suits your needs. Contact us now at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

Non Invasive Body Contouring, CoolSculpting Fat Procedure, Miami CoolSculpting

What Causes Arm Fat? How Can CoolSculpting Slim Your Arms Down Today?

Non Invasive Body Contouring

At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, we understand that it can be embarrassing and a blow to one’s confidence to have flabby anything, especially flabby arms. Your arms are usually the most exposed out of all the other body parts whether you are wearing a dress, a tank top, or a t-shirt, your arms are constantly visible. For some women, they avoid all possible chances to give visibility to their arms. We are here to help! Our Non Invasive Body Contouring works wonders! You can easily sculpt and contour any part of your body to give you a thinner and more sculpted look! One of the most highly requested areas are the arms! No need to lift weights or get liposuction… CoolSculpting can take care of your problem today!

CoolSculpting Fat Procedure

Do you know the causes of arm fat? Here is what you should avoid:

  • Overeating: Eating too much can lead to many different health and weight issues. Arm fat is one of the many side effects to overeating. Easily get rid of this arm fat you have with our Non Invasive Body Contouring today! Click here to find out more.
  • Unhealthy Eating: When you eat unhealthy and fattening foods, your body begins to store the fat and makes you gain weight. Your arms, belly and thighs are the main places this can happen.
  • Aging: Though this cause is inevitable, signing up for CoolSculpting can be the best way to get the noticeable results that you want!
  • Pregnancy: During your pregnancy, you can reach a certain point of weight gain that causes many areas of your body to gain more fat. To take care of this issue as quickly and effectively as possible, sign up for our Non Invasive Body Contouring today! Click here to make an appointment!

Miami CoolSculpting

Call the Miami Fat Freeze Center today to sign up for our Non Invasive Body Contouring! You will instantly see thinner looking arms, and a happier and more confident you! Call now at 305-901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

Non Invasive Body Sculpting, Miami CoolSculpting Doctor

Causes of Weight Gain: How CoolSculpting Can Keep You Thin!

Non Invasive Body Sculpting

At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, so many people fall into a weight gain rut for many weeks, months, and even years. They begin to notice weight gain in the main areas to gain weight, such as the stomach, thighs, legs, back, and arms. At the Miami Fat Freeze Center, our Non Invasive Body Sculpting delivers better results than exercise and dieting! We are able to sculpt and contour your body to instantly look thinner! It is also important that you do your part too! Your body would look more fit and contoured if you had less fat to freeze, and knowing the causes of weight gain can easily help you to eliminate them from your routine.

Want to make an appointment for our Non Invasive Body Sculpting? Click here!

Miami CoolSculpting Doctor

What are the causes of weight gain?

  • Sugar Intake: Having an abundance of sugar in your daily diet can quite easily affect your weight loss. You will begin to notice a change in your body, health, and energy with constant sugar included in your diet.
  • Food Addiction: When junk food is highly engineered, it can cause stimulation and addiction. When you are addicted to junk food it can cause extreme weight gain in all areas of your body, deteriorate your health, and more!
  • Lack of physical activity: This does not mean you have to go to the gym 5 times a week. Just walk for 45 minutes every day and get your blood flowing to see results!
  • Genetics: If you come from a family with high tendencies to gain weight quickly, it is likely you will experience the same thing.

How can CoolSculpting in Miami help?

  • Your stubborn fat with be placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  • After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, the targeted fat cells are eliminated naturally for the next several weeks
  • The results from using the CoolSculpting technology are long lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

Call or make an appointment with the Miami Fat Freeze Center today for our Non Invasive Body Sculpting! Phone us at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!