
Want Slimmers Thighs? Here Is How CoolSculpting Is the Easiest Answer

Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami

If you have excess fat around your thighs that doesn’t seem to go away, CoolSculpting may be the solution for you. Losing weight is a big factor in gaining confidence, but not everyone wants to go through an invasive surgery that can go wrong to lose fat. CoolSculpting, offered at Miami Fat Freeze, is a non-invasive procedure that kills fat cells by freezing them, allowing your body to naturally remove them. Dr. Deborah Longwill and her team will walk you through this safe, but effective procedure, so you get the results that you want, making this the Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami.

The CoolSculpting process has 3 steps:

  1. Your stubborn fat with be placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  2. After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, the targeted fat cells die-out naturally for the next several weeks
  3. The results from using the CoolSculpting technology are long lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

In 6-12 weeks you’ll see that your results are long-lasting and your fat will be gone. This non-invasive procedure is the best way to lose fat naturally.

The cooling plates only targets adipose tissue, making sure that only fat cells are killed, leaving your other tissue untouched. Your immune system will notice that these fat cells are injured and begin to dispose of them, leaving your body looking slimmer and healthier, creating the Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami. It’s important that once the fat cells are gone, you continue to eat healthy so that new fat cells don’t move to take the place of the old ones. If you feel that you would like more CoolSculpting treatments, you can after being monitored for several months to see another procedure would be beneficial for you.

At Miami Fat Freeze, Dr. Longwill has introduced the CoolSculpting procedure to patients with great success. With over 20 years of experiences, she is one of the best cosmetic dermatology doctors in Miami.

If you’re ready to lose that extra fat safely and naturally with CoolSculpting, call us today at (305)-901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment for the Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami!