coolsculpting miami

Experts Agree THIS is Why CoolSculpting is the Future for Fat Removal

How Cool is CoolSculpting Miami?

More and more individuals seek out nonsurgical alternatives to address their aesthetic issues. This includes patients that enlist CoolSculpting Miami for their stubborn body fat. Dr. Deborah Longwill and the team at Miami Fat Freeze is proud to offer CoolSculpting as a nonsurgical, noninvasive resource for patients in the South Florida community.

A common question our team receives from patients is “What benefit does CoolSculpting Miami provide over traditional fat reduction procedures?” In the following article, your friends from Miami Fat Freeze will discuss some of the benefits that demonstrate why CoolSculpting Miami is the future of fat removal!

CoolSculpting Miami Procedure

CoolSculpting Miami is a noninvasive fat freezing procedure. This means the treatment utilizes no injections, incisions, or surgery. We can perform this therapy in our office. Contrarily, liposuction and other traditional fat reduction methods employ incisions, surgery, injections. Specialists must also perform these traditional methods in outpatient facilities and accredited surgical centers.

CoolSculpting, however, requires no anesthesia or the circumstance mentioned above. During treatment, a patient can relax awake, without any pain. Many individuals will take a nap, read, or use their smartphone or tablet while they receive treatment.

During the procedure, Dr. Deborah Longwill uses a specialized adapter that freezes the fat cells in target areas. Once they dermatologist freezes these cells, the body eliminates them in a natural procedure over approximately a few weeks. This results in a slimmer, more toned physique.

Depending on your desired treatment area, the experts at Miami Fat Freeze may complete the therapy in as little as one hour. Consequently, liposuction often takes several hours before it concludes.

Recovery and Results

CoolSculpting Miami requires no downtime. Patients can additionally return to work immediately after they receive treatment. CoolSculpting side effects are minimal and may include redness, minute bruising, tingling, as well as numbness. Nonetheless, these side effects typically dissipate approximately a few days after the treatment’s conclusion.

You may notice initial CoolSculpting results after about three weeks. However, the treatment continues working, displaying finalized results up to two months after receiving treatment. Additionally, you can consider your CoolSculpting results completely permanent. If you gain weight in the future, this fat will distribute amongst your body more evenly.

Schedule an Appointment for CoolSculpting Miami from Dr. Deborah Longwill Today

Interested in learning more about CoolSculpting Miami from Dr. Deborah LongwillMiami Fat Freeze can help you achieve the slim, beautiful body you desire.

Dr. Deborah Longwill and her team happily answer any questions about the procedure, while addressing any concerns. Your initial consultation will involve discussing your aesthetic concerns and goals one-on-one with a dermatological, CoolSculpting specialist.

If you previously tried and tried to lose stubborn fat to no avail, CoolSculpting may represent an ideal solution for your needs. As a noninvasive, nonsurgical procedure, CoolSculpting Miami serves as a vital resource for individuals that need to lose this troublesome fat. As it continues to increase in popularity, the therapy truly reflects the future of fat removal.

For more information on CoolSculpting Miami from Miami Fat Freeze contact our caring and concerned team today. We can help you look your absolute best for the summer season by utilizing a fat freezing treatment for your needs!

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