Struggling To Lose Weight After a Baby? Coolsculpting Can Help!

Coolsculpting Treatment

Having a baby can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a woman’s life. There are plenty of aspects of pregnancy that are unlike anything in the world and mothers are excited to be a part of. However, one thing seems to be the dread of all women following the delivery of their new child: losing all the extra pregnancy weight. The Coolsculpting Treatment is here to help!

Depending on a woman’s age, medical history, genetics, and body type, the amount of weight she may gain during pregnancy can vary greatly. We all know that one mother who gives birth and looks as if she was never pregnant just a few weeks later. While that would be a dream for women who are worried about pregnancy weight, a normal body rarely ever reacts that way.

Fat Reduction Procedure

It can take months, or even years, to get your body back into the shape it was before pregnancy. To make matters worse, the process is significantly slowed by how busy you will be the second your bundle of joy arrives. Mothers of newborns can rarely find the time to escape to the gym, go for a run, or plan out nutritious meals for the week. And, without those factors in your life on a consistent basis, you will not see results as quickly as you hope.

Becoming a mother shouldn’t mean that you are forced to give up your slim, youthful body. At Miami Fat Freeze, we believe that women should be able to enjoy the best of both worlds. That is why we are introducing the perfect solution for you: Coolsculpting!

In case you have never heard the term before, Coolsculpting is a fat reduction procedure that is changing the way individuals approach weight loss. The specialized technique targets specific fat cells in the body and quite literally freezes them away! It is the perfect way to slim down those problem areas that don’t seem to budge, such as the love handles, muffin top, and belly.

Weight Loss Solutions

At the Miami Fat Freeze, our professional staff uses the best and most advanced technology on the market to incorporate the most effective techniques. Each one of our team members is highly qualified and very well trained. Our primary goal is to help you feel confident about your health and body.

Freeze away all that unwanted fat with the Coolsculpting Treatment by Miami Fat Freeze today! Give us a call at (305) 901-5777 for more information or click here to make an appointment!

Quick Weight Loss for Busy People!

Body Sculpting Treatment

If you are trying to lose weight but do not have the time or are not seeing the results, it can be disheartening. Not getting the results you want can lower your confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes we are too busy to get the results that we are trying to achieve. With how busy life is, it can be difficult to spend time every day exercising and eating healthy. There are some treatments and procedures that claim to help you lose weight quick, but they either do not work or are unhealthy. At Miami Fat Freeze, we offer a Body Sculpting Treatment that will help you lose weight and give you lasting results.

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that consists of freezing off excess fat cells so your body can dispose of them naturally. The cooling panels are specialized to only target excess adipose cells so your normal cells are not affected by this treatment. Our Body Sculpting Treatment only takes about an hour, so you can go back to your normal routine right after you finish. It is also non-invasive and does not require any type of injection or surgery. CoolSculpting is the perfect weight loss choice for someone with a busy life who wants to quickly lose weight.


Since our Body Sculpting Treatment uses your body to dispose of the killed fat cells, your weight loss will look completely natural. Although the fat cells are gone, you will still have to eat healthily and maintain a good diet so new fat cells do not grow in their place. If you are looking for the perfect beach body but do not have time to work towards it, come to Miami Fat Freeze for a CoolSculpting treatment and you will be summer ready before you know it.

At Miami Fat Freeze, Dr. Deborah Longwill brings over 20 years of experience and knowledge to the table. She wants to help both men and women feel confident about their bodies. She is always keeping up with the newest technologies and procedures so her patients receive the highest quality care possible. Before having any treatments done, Dr. Longwill always sits down with her patients to address their questions and concerns to ensure they feel as confident as possible.

Fat Freezing

To lose weight fast with our Body Sculpting Treatment, call us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

Start Losing Weight In 30 Minutes Without Exercise?

Professional Coolsculpting

The world of weight loss is a vast and oftentimes frustrating one. With so many fad diets and “miracle” workout regimens out there, it is hard to find one that is truly effective and does not promise unrealistic results. Losing weight in 30 minutes without exercise may seem like another instance of false advertising, but with the help of Professional Coolsculpting, that really can be a reality!

You may be wondering how such incredible results can be possible. The answer lies within Coolsculpting’s innovative technology. This FDA approved non-surgical weight loss procedure is quick and simple and requires little to no recovery time. It utilizes соld tеmреrаturеѕ tо tаrgеt аnd kіll аll оf thе fat сеllѕ іn a particular раrt оf thе body. No іnсіѕіоnѕ оf аnу kind are required during this process. Instead, hе wіll uѕе a dеvісе thаt resembles a ѕuсtіоn сuр. Thіѕ dеvісе will become еxtrеmеlу соld, causing thе fаt сеllѕ to die.

Freeze Away Fat

This procedure is fantastic for individuals who are struggling with shedding away unwanted love handles, muffin top, or extra leg and arm fat. Oftentimes, our patients are individuals who have tried many different changes in their diet and workout regularly. However, there will always be problem areas that are next to impossible to target. That’s where Professional Coolsculpting steps in.

In just one session, you will be left feeling slimmer and more motivated to stay on the right path towards a happier and healthier you than ever before. Coolsculpting has helped our patients achieve unbelievable results in the past and it is our goal at Miami Fat Freeze to continue helping individuals across South Florida.

With the Spring season in full swing and summer just months away, people are seeking weight loss solutions now more than ever. It is important to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, and Coolsculpting is here to help you achieve that.

Cool Body Sculpting

Freeze away all that unwanted fat with Professional Coolsculpting by Miami Fat Freeze today! Give us a call at (305) 901-5777 for more information or click here to make an appointment!

7 Weight Loss Mistakes Women Make!

Best Weight Loss Treatment

When losing weight, there are many mistakes that you can make, by accident or because you have been given incorrect information. Following a diet and exercise regimen is difficult enough without setting yourself back. For the Best Weight Loss Treatment you want to make sure you are following the right steps, so here are 7 common mistakes that women may make when trying to lose weight:

Lose Weight Fast

  1. Not exercising enough: When you exercise, you increase your muscle mass and fasten your metabolism which is helpful while on a diet, not to mention regular exercise also helps burn fat.
  1. Not keeping a record of what you eat: It is difficult to know what kind of progress you are making if you do not keep track of the foods you are eating. By counting calories, fat, and sugar intakes you can see what areas you need to cut down on which will make your weight loss go smoother.
  1. Eating “fat-free” foods: Many times, foods with “fat-free” labels use loads of sugar in order to make them taste flavorful. In that case, you are substituting one bad thing for another. Be sure to read the labels to see what exactly is in your food.
  1. Not eating enough protein: Protein has been proven to help with weight loss, as well as make you feel like you have less of an appetite. Not eating enough protein while losing weight will hinder your progress.
  1. Drinking sugary drinks: You may be exercising and dieting, but if you keep drinking energy drinks, soda, and some fruit juices you may be hurting your progress rather than helping. Many times, these drinks are loaded with tablespoons of sugar which are bad for your health and weight. Look for sugar-free low-carb alternatives or stick with water.
  1. Eating processed foods: Eating foods with trans-fats is a bad choice for health and can definitely add a few pounds before you know it. Lean towards whole, unprocessed foods as an alternative.
  1. Not eating enough fiber: Fiber helps you by decreasing your appetite and therefore your calorie intake. Fiber can be found in plenty of foods, so be sure to have plenty of it.

Weight Loss Programs

At Miami Fat Freeze, we want to provide you with the Best Weight Loss Treatment available with CoolSculpting, a quick and easy treatment that will be sure to give you lasting results.
If you are interested in the Best Weight Loss Treatment, call us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to make an appointment!

Can Men Be Candidates for CoolSculpting?

Men Fat Removal in Pinecrest

At some point in our lives, virtually everyone has struggled with their weight. While the extent of this issue ranges from person to person, most individuals can agree that weight loss is not a simple task and can be more challenging for one person than another. Despite popular belief, it is also not a topic reserved solely for one gender. Men struggle to achieve their weight loss goals just as much as women and Men Fat Removal in Pinecrest can help.

For many individuals who are on a weight loss journey, they may find that certain areas of the body do not shed fat as quickly as others. In fact, some areas may be almost impossible to target altogether. In order to tackle this issue, an incredibly effective fat removal procedure has been developed.

Pinecrest CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is positively impacting the lives of patients everywhere. This FDA-approved, non-invasive procedure is used to freeze away unwanted fat in a safe and quick manner. It is the alternative to weight loss surgeries many have been long awaiting.

While certain weight loss surgeries can prove to be effective, they require full anesthesia and an extended period of recovery time. Most patients do not have the money or downtime needed to consider such an option, but CoolSculpting is proving to be a solution that is just as effective in many cases.

If you are searching for Men Fat Removal in Pinecrest, this is the ideal procedure for you! At Miami Fat Freeze, we truly believe in the powerful effects of this procedure. There have been many men in the past that have walked into our center feeling insecure and unsure of their bodies, and have left feeling like a brand new person after just a few short and easy sessions.

Effective Fat Removal Procedure

Don’t wait any longer. The body you have always dreamed of could be just a phone call or click away. Freeze away all that unwanted fat with Coolsculpting by Miami Fat Freeze today! Give us a call at (305) 901-5777 for more information on Men Fat Removal in Pinecrest, or click here to make an appointment!

Can Exercise Help Keep the Fat off After Doing CoolSculpting?

Fat Reduction in Pinecrest

Getting rid of unwanted fat is sometimes easier said than done. You may be dedicated to a rigorous workout routine and eating right, but sometimes it’s just not enough. It can be extremely frustrating to continue working towards a goal day in and day out and not being completely satisfied when you look in the mirror due to certain problem areas. However, with Fat Reduction in Pinecrest, you may be able to find the helping hand you need to push you that extra mile.

Miami Fat Freeze offers one of the most popular and sought after procedures on the market right now: CoolSculpting! You may have heard the term being tossed around by friends and acquaintances, but not fully understand what it is. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that literally freezes away unwanted fat!

Sound too good to be true? We can assure you that this increasingly popular method is completely legitimate and even recommended by many healthcare professionals. The treatment only takes about an hour with no downtime. Fat cells are targeted during the Fat Freezing Procedure. Once the fat cells are frozen they drain from the body naturally. In total, the process takes about 6 to 12 weeks to fully see the amazing results.

Fat Freeze Procedure

The reason behind the rise in popularity of this method of Fat Reduction in Pinecrest is due to the fact that it requires no surgery whatsoever! While many individuals have opted for surgical procedures such as liposuction in the past, this can be done quickly and easily with no anesthesia necessary.

Our professionals are certified to perform dermatologist and cosmetic procedures, making this the safest and easiest option out there. Even if you are well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals, we understand that there are oftentimes certain stubborn areas that just won’t go away, like the love handles or excess arm fat.

Combined with a regular workout routine, you will really be able to take full advantage of this procedure and oversee that the results are long lasting. Too often do patients come in for CoolSculpting and proceed to go home and continue living their lives without making any alterations to their lifestyle. In order to truly maintain your ideal body, consistency is key.

CoolSculpting in Miami

Freeze away all that unwanted fat with Fat Reduction in Pinecrest today! Give Miami Fat Freeze a call today at (305) 901-5777 for more information or click here to make an appointment!

Can Coolsculpting give you long term results? Find out more!

Long term results with Fat Removal

Summer is coming right around the corner, now is the time to begin working on your beach body! However, sometimes no matter how hard we try some excess fat doesn’t seem to come off. This can lower your confidence and self-esteem, making you not want to go out and enjoy going to the beach with friends and family. You may want to turn to dangerous surgeries or untested weight loss pills. Miami Fat Freeze is here to help with our CoolSculpting fat loss procedure! This non-invasive, safe procedure can naturally remove your fat and give you the long term results with Fat Removal you have been dreaming of.

Fat Removal That Works!

CoolSculpting works by killing excess fat by freezing those adipose cells and letting your body naturally remove them. Rather than use needles or surgery, this procedure uses cooling plates that are designed to specifically target fat cells, not harming the rest of the cells in your body. Allowing your body to remove these excess fat cells naturally means they won’t come back if you continue to maintain good eating and exercise habits, giving you the long term results with Fat Removal that you want.

Miami Fat Freeze and Dr. Deborah Longwill are committed to working closely with you during this procedure so you can feel as comfortable as possible. CoolSculpting is FDA approved and physician supervised, so there is nothing to worry about. Depending on how the first procedure goes, you may be able to receive a second treatment of CoolSculpting to make your body look slimmer and healthier, but consult your doctor first to see if that is the correct step for you. To get the long term results with Fat Removal nothing else can give you, Miami Fat Freeze is the only place to go for your summer body.

Freeze The Fat Today

Dr. Deborah Longwill has been serving South Florida’s dermatological needs for over 20 years, making her the number one dermatologist in the area. She works closely with all of her patients to give them the attention and care that they deserve. She is always up to date on the newest procedures and technologies to help make your skin look younger and healthier.

If you want long term results with Fat Removal, call us today at (305) 901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment!


Find out the toughest areas to get rid of stubborn fat! CoolSculpting can help!

Fat Removal in Pinecrest

If you have stubborn, excess fat that doesn’t seem to go away no matter what you try, it can lower your confidence and self-esteem. You want to get rid of it, but surgery seems too costly and invasive. Luckily, at Miami Fat Freeze our FDA approved CoolSculpting procedure can remove that excess fat naturally and non-invasively, so you will regain your confidence without having to pay too much or cut open your body with a risky surgery. CoolSculpting is the best Fat Removal in Pinecrest that will be sure to give you long term results and the body that you have been wanting.

CoolSculpting works by using freezing pads to kill the excess fat cells that you want to get rid of, letting your body dispose of them naturally for several weeks. No needles or recovery period needed, this procedure is the best option for quick and painless fat loss that will make your body look naturally more healthy. Don’t worry damaging your body, the cooling plates are controlled to only target adipose, also known as fat tissue, so your other tissue won’t be affected. This Fat Removal in Pinecrest procedure only takes about an hour so you’ll be in an out quickly, on your way to a slimmer body.

Pinecrest CoolSculpting

Once the fat is killed off by the cooling plates it is gone for good, but you will still need to take care of your body and keep it healthy. Those fat cells can’t grow back, but others can move it to take their place. After performing the CoolSculpting Fat Removal in Pinecrest, be sure to speak with your doctor about the best ways to maintain your body.

Miami Fat Freeze, run by Dr. Deborah Longwill, is the best Fat Removal in Pinecrest. She has been considered one of the best dermatologists in South Florida, with over 20 years of experience. She provides high-quality care and will work with you to come up with the best procedure options for you. When you come to Miami Fat Freeze, you will be in the experienced hands of Dr. Longwill, so you will be able to feel confident in getting the results you want.

CoolSculpting Procedure

If you want the best Fat Removal in Pinecrest call us at (305) 901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment!

Want Slimmers Thighs? Here Is How CoolSculpting Is the Easiest Answer

Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami

If you have excess fat around your thighs that doesn’t seem to go away, CoolSculpting may be the solution for you. Losing weight is a big factor in gaining confidence, but not everyone wants to go through an invasive surgery that can go wrong to lose fat. CoolSculpting, offered at Miami Fat Freeze, is a non-invasive procedure that kills fat cells by freezing them, allowing your body to naturally remove them. Dr. Deborah Longwill and her team will walk you through this safe, but effective procedure, so you get the results that you want, making this the Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami.

The CoolSculpting process has 3 steps:

  1. Your stubborn fat with be placed between cooling panels and softly vacuumed. The stubborn fat is located and killed through this controlled cooling.
  2. After about an hour, the cold crystallizes the fat cells, the targeted fat cells die-out naturally for the next several weeks
  3. The results from using the CoolSculpting technology are long lasting and the fat cells are gone for good.

In 6-12 weeks you’ll see that your results are long-lasting and your fat will be gone. This non-invasive procedure is the best way to lose fat naturally.

The cooling plates only targets adipose tissue, making sure that only fat cells are killed, leaving your other tissue untouched. Your immune system will notice that these fat cells are injured and begin to dispose of them, leaving your body looking slimmer and healthier, creating the Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami. It’s important that once the fat cells are gone, you continue to eat healthy so that new fat cells don’t move to take the place of the old ones. If you feel that you would like more CoolSculpting treatments, you can after being monitored for several months to see another procedure would be beneficial for you.

At Miami Fat Freeze, Dr. Longwill has introduced the CoolSculpting procedure to patients with great success. With over 20 years of experiences, she is one of the best cosmetic dermatology doctors in Miami.

If you’re ready to lose that extra fat safely and naturally with CoolSculpting, call us today at (305)-901-5777 or click here to schedule an appointment for the Best Fat Removal Procedure in Miami!

How Is Dr. Longwill the Best CoolSculpting Doctor in Miami?

Best Dermatologist in Pinecrest

Sometimes dieting and exercise doesn’t cut it. It seems like no matter what you do, that unwanted fat doesn’t go away. There are surgical procedures that can remove unwanted fat, but they can sometimes be dangerous and leave you worse off than before you walked in. With the experienced hands of Dr. Deborah Longwill, one of the Best Dermatologist in Pinecrest, and her team at Miami Fat Freeze, your unwanted fat will removed safely, giving you the body you’ve always wanted.

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that freezes unwanted fat cells so your body can naturally process them, leaving you looking slimmer and healthier. It’s a non-invasive procedure and doesn’t require you to take time off of work or school to recover. It’s perfect for those with a busy life who want to make sure they look better than ever. This non-invasive procedure doesn’t require needles or anything entering the body. It simply kills fat cells allowing your body to do the rest of the work.

Fat Reduction Procedure

The procedure only takes about an hour and gives you lasting effects. With Dr. Longwill, she will target the areas of your body you want to make look slimmer. After your treatments with her, you’ll walk out feeling confident and ready for your new body. She can even help you with loose skin and other excess fat before undergoing the CoolSculpting procedure.

Dr. Longwill is one of the Best Dermatologist in Pinecrest, having served South Florida for over 20 years. Her practice, Miami Center for Dermatology, is one of the few in the area that offers this treatment and has been chosen as Miami’s CoolSculpting Center of Excellence. She’s was also one of the first dermatologists in Miami to introduce laser technology for skin treatments.

At Miami Fat Freeze, Dr. Longwill will work with you to ensure that you get the results you want. She works with every patient to come of up with the best plan for them, allowing them to feel confident and stress-free.

CoolSculpting Pinecrest

If you’re looking to remove excess fat but don’t want to go through a surgical procedure, then CoolSculpting with Dr. Deborah Longwill at Miami Fat Freeze is perfect for you. Book your appointment by phone now at (305)-901-5777 or click here for more information!